Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The French say: "Electro-mix happy hour" 07.28

i.e., good music & drinking with redeeming qualities such as super-sweet cutting-edge dance performances by a member of CityDance ensemble, Kyra Green.

Come out to Eyebar (1716 I Street NW) on Thursday (pre-Modernist Society!) to mingle with the most charming of all accented-English-speakers, the French.

I asked my friend Sylvain, who is the founder & coordinator of these events, what made an ipod battle (part of the evening's festivites) so special - we've had them here before... To which he replied that this ipod battle was being conducted by "fancy-naked francophones". Judging from his grasp of English, I don't this they will actually be naked, but they will definitely be fancy.

Soiree Carte Blanche

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